How to add sign up form to the Wix?

ActiveNow sign up form can be easily integrated with your website, regardless of the technology in which the website was built. The popular website creator is no exception.

  1. Open the editor
  2. Log into your Wix account and open the editor by clicking the Manage and edit button, and then Edit.
  3. Choose from the menu on the left Add -> More -> HTML code. Then chose the right place and give it the right size.
  4. Copy ActiveNow registration HTML code (Settings, Online sing-ups and copy the required HTML code).
  5. Return to the Wix screen and double-click on the HTML code. In the window on the right side of the screen paste the code from ActiveNow and click Update.

In case of any problems, please contact your advisor and send the address of the page where registration form is not working.