New term at school can be very challenging. This article will help you to start your new semester with ActiveNow, so you can have one challenge less to face.
What you should do before starting new term?
Before starting check if you set up:
- Dates and breaks
Go to Settings, General and in Season settings section you can change all the necessary information about start and end of the season, as well as holiday breaks etc.
- Prices
Go to Settings, General and in Settlements section you can set up prices for the classes.
If your prices are changing dependent on how many classes are weekly, please contact your advisor. We will help you with the process. - Reclaiming classes
If in your school is possible to reclaim class go to Settings, Classes reclaiming to set it up for the new term.
What else to do before starting?
After setting up the general points, now you can:
- Create new groups – you can clone classes from the previous season and change their dates. However, if the schedule is not ready yet, you can create new groups. Read about it
- Put the registration form on the website – thanks to this, new clients will be able to sign up for classes. You can read how to do it
- Send clients SMS or e-mail – inform them, they can sign up for classes.
- Inactive participants – people who do not participate in classes will be transferred to the list of inactive participants. If you will add them to new groups, they will automatically become active clients.