Notification of pupil absences

In every school there will be people who drop out after some time. Lack of time, insufficient motivation. . . There can be many reasons indeed.

How to prevent this?

To start with, it would be good to catch such people on the list of participants. And ActiveNow can help you with this! The system can verify people who are more likely to drop out of your school.

How does it work?

  1. The system finds people who were absent from your classes the day before.
  2. After finding such people, he will check which was their absence in turn.
  3. If it was at least the 3rd unreported absence in a row – you will receive an automatic notification of such a person by email.

This will allow you to react in time and reduce the potential number of churns.

How to turn in on?

To enable the receipt of such a report go to Settings, Communications. There you will find the Report with high-churn potential clients – move the slider next to it to Yes.

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